Friday, June 09, 2006

Pray for Iran

I am one of several hundred of thousand Christians around the world currently praying for Iran, for a 40 day campaign. The organisers are asking for more people to join the campaign. They write:
The Iranian church believes the nation could be on the edge of a radical spiritual transformation and with three weeks of the campaign left, there is still plenty of time for many more to join the prayer effort.

The prayer campaign is focused on three main areas: for the persecuted Church in Iran; for revival in Iran; and for God to intervene in the political situation. Daily prayer requests are posted on the ‘Pray for Iran’ website, and individuals can choose to subscribe and receive the prayer requests each day by email. Each day there is a very popular slide show with images from Iran accompanied by Persian worship music to help people pray for Iran.
The prayer material is available in nine languages!